This is what else

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Angels Landing

Sven Taow at Green Valley Gap

Just between this and last semester I took to the road with Jordan and headed south to forsake the world and find the sun. For a week. Climbing, hiking, kite wars, soccer, sun burns, camping and red rock canyon walls. What I like about going south is that no man has a claim on me or my time there. I came and went as I pleased. To go as slow or as fast as you want, no outside pressure yanking you this way or that, is a rare luxury and I took full advantage it. When you have no obligations, no ties, no plans, no time (we have NO time–we don't need it) you can't be responsible or irresponsible and it's beautiful. For me it's an independence that can only come in short, concentrated bursts. For a brief time, before reassuming my life of promises and priorities, before reacquainting myself with success or failure, I am untethered and rambling. I am an island.
